So it's been a busy week and I haven't been able to post yet about my wonderful weekend in Sacramento with Missy and her adorable baby! Jacque and I flew out Friday morning and when we arrived in Sacramento we saw this...Apparently it was some sort of luggage sculpture. Way cool. Then lovely Missy picked us up and we set out shopping, pretty much the entire weekend. Perfect. And we got to go to one of my favorite places in the entire world...
(And FYI, I'm not model-posing in this picture, I'm holding my hair down because it was windy.) Saturday night we had dinner at PF Changs where we convinced the waiter to let us steal the really cool plastic soup spoons (its not stealing if you get permission). We really had such a great time and I'm so happy that Missy is in Logan again - although the shopping in California is a gazillion times better.
Friends Quote:
Chandler: Woah, woah, woah. I don't need a roommate either, OK? I can afford to live here by myself. Ya know, I may have to bring in somebody once a week to lick the silverware.
Joey: What're you gettin' so bent out of shape for, huh? It's not like we agreed to live together forever. We're not Bert and Ernie.
Chandler: Look, you know what? If this is the way you feel, then maybe you should take it.
Joey: Well that's how I feel.
Chandler: Well then maybe you should take it.
Joey: Well then maybe I will.
Chandler: Fine with me.
Joey: Great. Then you'll be able to spend more quality time with your real friends, the spoons.
6 years ago
WHAT?! No Friends quote. . .you better fix this!!! I highly enjoy them!
Traci! I made my blog private so email me your email so I can add you to my list! My email is
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