This weekend we hit both ends of the state with two family reunions and were able to enjoy the scenic drive through central Utah twice! My family gathered in Brian Head for some Shakespeare, hiking, and pool-playing at the ginormous cabin we stayed in. We saw "Two Gentlemen of Verona" in Cedar City, which was entertaining, but didn't make my Shakespeare-favorites list, and Brody stayed awake through the whole thing - I was so proud! Then we were off Bear Lake with Brody's family (for some reason we didn't take any pictures of that, so you'll have to take my word for it). The water was surprisingly pleasant and the jet-skis were so fun! And of course we played some rousing card games. Overall, it was a LONG, but fun weekend.
6 years ago
I didn't know you had a blog!
What if I don't Want to take your Word for it?!?!?! I NEED PICTURES!!
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